Thursday, October 14, 2010


If you would like to share this blog with a friend, go to the bottom and click on the ENVELOPE. New thoughts added each Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
In this great adventure and opportunity called living…when will you practice overwhelming love, forgiveness, empathy, concern and understanding, but when?

When will you forgive that parent or mate who has wronged you more times than you would like to remember?

When will you try to really understand that person who was once your friend and is now a verbally declared enemy?

When will you work hard at ridding yourself of any such disruptive thoughts or actions?

Did someone do something you didn’t like yesterday?

Or say something that hurt you?

How long have you been angry about it?

How long will you stay angry about it?

Are you about to win the pouting award of the year? When will you start loving people like you love yourself?

When will you ask the question When in such a way that your answer becomes NOW!!!

A New Series on

began on this blog “Wyrick’s Writings” Thursday September 16,

the 2nd in series on Sept 19…

and will continue Each SUNDAY until finished.

Then a new Series on PRAYER will begin..

Each Tuesday there is a continuation of the Serialization of his Internationally distributed novel RUST ON MY SOUL.
To view an abundance of unusual stories by Neil Wyrick go to his other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL

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