Sunday, October 3, 2010


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Sometimes when I have sought to succeed where I was not sure I was right in the pursuit of a particular success I have prayed, “Lord, if I have made a bad choice…please let me fail.” And thank God, and that is a prayer, He has answered what I call “another one of my failure prayers.” And saved me from myself.

And then there are times when failure has come looking for me…the same that has happened to others…and a stumble became a fall that became a disaster that became a roaring success story.
Tragedy and triumph walked hand in hand to meet and greet Ludwig Van Beethoven.

As he conducted his famous Ninth Symphony, the audience stood and rocked the theater with their applause. This great musician, however, heard neither the music nor the applause, because by this time in his life…he was completely stone deaf.

His deafness first made him bitter but then heroic and it came through in his music. Many of his musician friends found a new depth and intensity “there is triumph in his music that never was there before said one musical critic.

When three year old Louie Braille blinded himself while boring holes with an awl in his father’s harness shop, it seemed a senseless tragedy.

However, because Braille was blind; for over one hundred years the blind have been able to read.

Helen Keller was born deaf, dumb and blind and yet was able to say when finally she overcame the impossible “I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I have found myself, my work and my God.”

I am sure Beethoven, Braille and Helen Keller did not adapt to their pain and problems overnight. Nor did I when my arm remained paralyzed for far too long after a hang gliding accident in 1982.

It took time; sleepless nights and agonizing days. But new insights finally did come to call, and new understanding.

Spiritual victories come out of the cauldron of eternity, and into it are fed the will of our God and the desires of our days. And when they are in conflict; that is when we have to take a deep breath and pray a deeper prayer that sums it all up, “Thy will be done.”

We certainly don’t want to pray, “My way, God, or the highway.”

To view an abundance of unusual, motivating stories by Neil Wyrick go to his other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL

This New Series on PAIN AND PROBLEMS

began on this blog “Wyrick’s Writings” Thursday September 16,

and will continue Each SUNDAY until finished.

Then a new Series on PRAYER will begin..

Each Tuesday there is a continuation of the Serialization of his Internationally distributed novel RUST ON MY SOUL.


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