Monday, June 8, 2009


(These thoughts are added to three times each week)


The Power of Negative Thinking does come easily. Some people have earned their PHD in it. If you are or have occasionally been one of these folk there is a test you can take to see if you still have the stuff it is made of. JUST KEEP ON READING!

Tomorrow morning, when you wake up, walk outside and stamp a flower. Scream at a sparrow. Kick a tree. On your way to work, triple your honking power. Honk when there really is no reason and make it long and loud. Short of having a wreck, work toward winning Road Hog of the Year Award. It may come easily but that does not mean positive influences might not inflict great harm. So beware, the Power of Positive Thinking is a mighty force and nothing to be made light of. TOTALLY NEGATIVE PEOPLE HAVE BEGUN TO THINK POSITIVELY AND CHANGED THEIR LIVES AND THOSE AOUND THEM. IT CAN HAPPEN.

In the continuation of your test and the pumping up of anger, frustration and depression don’t stop with anything less than maximum output. At work or at home, if you are asked to do something extra, pout if you are a woman or mutter if you are a man. If someone says, "Thank you," give him or her a blank stare. If you feel a smile coming on resurrect some real or imagined hurt. If an associate or a mate shares with you a good idea, grunt. If it is an exceptional idea, feel threatened. If he or she still won’t go away, kill their enthusiasm by saying, "It won’t work." Above all else avoid any social issues that might cause you to take a stand. TO KEEP THE POWER OF NEGATIVE THINKING ALIVE AND WELL IN A LIFE DOES TAKE SOME EFFORT!

When lunchtime rolls around be sure and have a meal that heightens your cholesterol and enthuses your ulcer. Have your fourth or fifth cup of coffee for the day and in the middle of the afternoon your third or fourth candy bar so your blood sugar can continue to ride a roller coaster. Start on your third pack of cigarettes, preferably near a non-smoker. DO NOT MAKE LIGHT OF ANY OF THE SUGGESTIONS ABOVE. THEY HAVE BEEN TRIED BY MILLIONS AND THEY WORK WONDERS!

If it has been a workday, at its close shove toward the elevator and race toward the parking lot. Remember that you will have been on emotional overload since early morn and you don’t want to lose your edge. Everyone wants to get out of the parking lot first. Don’t let them. Drive like you are in a demotion derby. Nudge but don’t dent until you have made several other drivers as miserable as you are. You may even want to write down license numbers as trophies. WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS TO REMEMBER WE ARE ALL RULED BY HABIT. IT JUST DEPENDS WHICH HABITS WE KEEP ON KEEPING ON!

When you come back through your front door, kick the dog, yell at the children if they happen to be around, complain about congress, cuss about gas prices and gulp down your dinner. If you have to go out for the evening lament you never have time for yourself. If you don’t have to go out; turn on TV, switch from station to station, finally fall asleep, snore and prepare to do battle all over again. CHANGE FROM NEGATIVE TO POSITIVE? iT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN? IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED?

It does require consistent effort to be a card carrying Negative Thinker. Keeping alive the best of one’s worst is never easy. Because, yes, there are positive guidelines and hope filled nudges that might get in the way if we give them half a chance. Therefore, a word to who ever will listen, "Control yourself because if you don’t you might actually become a person you enjoy keeping company with."

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