Tuesday, June 23, 2009



(These thoughts are changed three times a week and cover a gamut of subjects, approaches and insights)

It is doubtful you got up this morning determined to make people dislike you. We all want to be loved.

ButYES! The following suggestions can really make a difference in your life and the lives of those who interact with you. Can promote your lists of friends and lessen your list of enemies. All you have to do is………….

1.Don’t cross your arms in front of you. It sends a signal that you are unapproachable and uncommunicative.

2.Smile and raise your eyebrows. This isn’t a suggestion that you try to turn into a reincarnation of Groucho Marx. It is the opposite of a frown.

3.Lean forward ever so slightly. It is the exact opposite of crossing your arms in front of you. It shows your interest in the other person and what they are saying or doing.

4.Dress neat. Sloppy may be in these days but it isn’t pleasant to the eye. In short, don’t be a part of visual pollution.

5.Make the other person feel important. This is an extension of number 3 and can be accomplished by subtle compliments or outright flattery (be sure that any nice thing you say is true). The point of the matter is that we all like to be loved and appreciated. Indeed, definitely don’t be the kind of person who only says nice things about someone when you are standing at their grave.

6.Nod your head in agreement. Few people are clairvoyant. It helps for them to know beyond the shadow of a doubt when you agree. Should you shake your head violently from left to right if you disagree? Remember? This is a short article on how to make people like not dislike you.

7.Listen. Ben Franklin suggested our ears should be twice as big as our mouths so that perhaps we would listen twice as much, speak half as much and be the better for it.

You are not sure you can make all these improvements in your life. Well, think about it this way. The biggest room in all our lives is the room for improvement so start expanding.

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