Thursday, June 18, 2009


(These thoughts are changed three times a week and cover a gamut of subjects, approaches and insights)

Hello there, Mr. America
you with the prayer in your heart
and the lump in your throat.
Your kind isn’t dead yet.
You fought at Bunker Hill,
bled at Verdun,
died at Guadacanal.
Reached out to make a world better, safer
more free...
If you made mistakes
you made them in the name of honor and glory
and the desire that others in the world
might know the glories and riches of freedom.
You have donned your country’s colors
And marched off to foreign lands..
There is that word again!!!
Everyone has not always understood.
They never do.
But you understood, with tears in your eyes
You understood -
for you have been free,
tasted its delicious vitality,
breathed its freshness,
known it for the wealth it is.

Listen Mr. America –
That’s Valley Forge you hear.
That’s hunger in those hills of our beginnings.
That’s cold and discouragement, over 200 years ago.
That's an America with a heart that still beats strong
going now into its third century.

Listen Mr. America –
Today calls out for men of courage and conviction,
men who know that security at any price
is sometimes no bargain.

Pray Mr. America
for "In God We Trust."

Mr. America –
Hold that salute!
It looks crisp and clean.
Repeat that allegiance!
It does us both good.
Respect the Creator and country!
They are the lifeblood of body and soul.

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