Friday, March 20, 2009


(1st in series...How to be a Better Husband)

(Next in series...How to be a Better Wife)(And both husbands and wives should read both articles)

(These thoughts are added to two or three times a week)

Is your home in good shape? Want to keep it that way?

Fall in love many times, but always with the same girl.

By such action you prove how smart you were in the first place. After all, the shape of a home is determined by the pattern of the love inside.

Is looking good and smelling nice only for wives?

Husbands, stay attractive. Share before supper some night so your wife won’t have to look at or rub cheeks with an old grizzly bear. Your breath may smell like a glue factory, so freshen it. Charm isn’t an automatic or inherited…it takes effort.

Are the strings from your heart tied to you pocketbook?

The pay check is a family matter. It is inexcusable to use it as a means of discipline. The expenditur5e of funds should be a matter of discussion, not dictatorship. The phrase, “It’s my money,” has no place in a marriage. It’s yours when both of you have agreed to it, and not until.

When was the last time you said to your wife, “I love you!”

If you are one of those husbands who have emotional lockjaw, if you just can’t seem to say, “I love you,” remember it is better to feel silly saying the words than to feel lonely because there is no one around to whom you can say them.

Do you want to run your wife’s life?

Remember! It was a ring you put on her finger, not a chain around her neck. People used to say their slaves were very happy, but no one ever bothered to ask the slaves.

When did you last really talk with your wife?

There are husbands who consider two grunts and a yawn conversation. The only dialogue that interests them is the television. They have certain obligation they accept as husbands, but communication isn’t one of them. Marital lockjaw is often fatal.

Are you hard-headed and proud of it?

Becoming hard as flint is no way to add spark to your marriage. After making the living room a battlefield, many a spouse wonders why his mate retreats to find peace in greener pastures. To be proud of your hard-headedness may give you a high opinion of yourself, but you will be the only one.

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