Wednesday, March 11, 2009


(New thoughts are posted three times a week)

A sense of humor is a gift that keeps on giving. And, yes, what I think is funny and what you think is funny can be as different as a square from a circle. But the point is not what makes you or me laugh but how often we give humor a chance to give a healing.

Fact is, conduct the following experiment. Go look in a mirror and while you are doing it frown. Then while you are frowning say, "I feel wonderful." Now smile and while you are doing it say, "I feel terrible." That's right, even a fake smile has a positive affect and if you have chased after a funny movie or a positive humorous attitude or looked for a smiling sunset rather clouds hovering on the does make a difference...a good healing helpful difference.

A good sense of humor can keep you from being so over sensitive you get your feelings hurt at the drop of an adjective or the twist of a verb. Shame on me for not being more careful if I have overstepped my bounds but shame on you if your boundaries are so narrow only a tight rope walked could navigate unharmed and unharming.

Would you gain a sense of humor and pass it on to your children, grandchildren, family or friends? Then learn how to make a funny out of something that isn’t. By way of example. Carol Burnett was exiting a cab one day and as the cab pulled away found herself being pulled by it. She had gotten her coat caught and was forced to keep running along with it or be dragged on the ground. Quite soon and fortunately a pedestrian noticed her predicament and flagged the cabbie down. “Are you alright?” he exclaimed. Carol’s next retort was priceless, “Yes, but how much more do I owe you.”

There is healing in being able to see the funny side of things. The mirror image of things gone wrong. So maybe a prayer something like this would be appropriate and even helpful, “Dear Lord, save me from too much soberness. Save me from regular bouts of grumpiness. When I sit down to my daily meal of living may I order with gusto the ability to find fun and give the same in turn. Aim me toward a stream where I can wiggle my toes in the mud. Lead me to sing in the shower even if I am off key and maybe don't completely feel like singing. Give me the gift of some grin gumption. Help me when life gets me down to inwardly laugh as in my minds eye I put down a sign that reads, “My sense of humor is still under construction.”

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