Tuesday, December 31, 2013

ANGER IS A KILLER (1st in Series)

For Neil's "One a Day Your Spiritual Vitamins"
Click on the following URL

Do you enjoy visiting friends? More than likely you’re thinking, of course, I do.

Now let me ask the other side of the coin - Do you enjoy visiting enemies?

Well, I know you must enjoy visiting at least one enemy because, like myself, you probably visit this one quite often. Unfortunately, we all …visit this enemy…whose name is anger.

Some visit anger seldom . Some on a regular basis. And during those visits, some spew and others stew…

The spewers shout and scream and are a first class pain, but at least they are honest. You immediately see them from what they are. They leave little doubt in your mind what they are so incensed about.

With the stewers it is not quite that easy. They often brood and boil in private. You can tell they are mad at you but they never discuss it, let alone scream about it. They pout but never strike out. If you ask what’s the matter, their favorite phrase is, “If you don’t know I’m not going to tell you.”

So there it is. A major problem for many and a minor problem for just about anyone else. So let’s discuss it, this hard to control emotion called anger ……that is, unless you are angry with me for bringing it up.

First, you have to categorize yourself; which are you, a stewer or a spewer?

Next, let’s consider what the Bible has to say on the subject…and actually it has a lot to say.

Just for starters, from the book of Proverbs -
“Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city:” (Proverbs 16:32)

Then the Apostle James, who in his missionary travels certainly met his share of angry men, says, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” (James 1:19)

And the Apostle Paul, who could get up a pretty good head of steam himself, admonishes us, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

None of these can be called a ringing endorsement for anger.

I know…along about now, you may be thinking, But sometimes the world needs some righteous indignation.

And I agree with you…but we just don’t have that many opportunities to be righteously indignant, and we do make many opportunities to be unrighteously mad. So I’m starting out with the breed of anger that is indeed indignant… but hardly righteous. The kind that proves how often we speak and act before we think.

(To be continued)


A Quote from  Wyrick’s Writihgs blog entitled A HEAVENLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM

I have always been intrigued by a question God put to Adam, “Where are you?” Why did He ask that? What is the meaning behind this? It wasn’t a geographical question, for certainly God knew the answer to that one.

It was a spiritual question to which God also had the answer. Then why ask it? For Adam’s sake, and all the Adams and Eves yet to come. For you and me in these 21st century days.

“Where are we? And where do we want to go? What do we want to be? And how much, or how little?” And we must never stop trying to answer God’s question as we try to get off a treadmill and aim toward a proper direction.


To view an abundance of unusual stories and comments by Neil Wyrick go to Neil’s other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS
Click on the following URL http://oneadayyourspiritualvitamins.blogspot.com/


A quote from One A Day blog.

“I am hate. I am committed to destruction.

I live in a dark and melancholy valley, surrounded by mountains of resentment.

There is great silence on my streets
for here people brood from morn till night.

There are no songs or laughter
For all around me give out only rebuke and rage.

Our population does not often change, but some escape,
made whole again by love.”


Click on the following URL http://oneadayyourspiritualvitamins.blogspot.com/


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