Sunday, September 6, 2009


(Added to each Sun, Tues and Thurs)

In your mind’s eye, allow your imagination to transport you from your air-conditioned 21st century comfort to journey along the Via Dolorosa to a rocky knob called Golgotha.

Bring with you whatever tyranny of pettiness and pouting you may have allowed to take over your thinking. If there is bitterness within you, bring that, too.

Stand at the foot of the cross with me and repeat the word, “agape…agape… agape.” As our words echo off the hardened cypress now stained with our Savior’s blood let the meaning sink in - agape love…agape forgiveness…agape the building of bridges instead of making splinters. From time to time, look up and see the nails.

And if there is someone you do not love or have trouble even liking, or cannot forgive, tell Jesus.

Spill out the venom that these emotions elicit. Scald the ground with your hurts and hates.

Mix them with the anger of the gathered crowd who voted him there with their loud voices in the Court of Pilate.

Bring your worst to this place of perfection and ask your Savior to cleanse you and make your soul well and whole.

Have a friend visit my ONE A DAY YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS site. Have them go to Google and where it says “Google Search” type in “Neil Spiritual Vitamins”

And, yes, if this site has met any of your needs share it with a friend. Just have them go to “Google Search” and type in “Wyrick’s Writings”

And, yes, maybe they will back track a few weeks to read other of my musings.

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