Thursday, September 24, 2009


(These thoughts are added to each Sun, Mon and Tues)

I don’t remember how it was the day I took my first baby steps, but I am sure it was an overwhelmingly wonderful experience.

Then one day, I learned that trees were for climbing, for lifting me up and giving me a higher perspective. And it was an overwhelmingly wonderful experience.
And one day I learned to fly, piloted a plane all by myself up above the clouds, and it was an overwhelmingly wonderful experience.

All these new dimensions did not diminish what had come before even though each new lifting up was bright and new and beautiful. So it will be the day I die - another expansion of perspective, a new transforming, and I am sure I will at that time hear my Lord saying, “Peace be with you.” And that will be the most overwhelmingly wonderful experience of all.

And at that timeless moment I will know, what I have already known for such a very long, long time – that life is stronger than death. That eternity laughs in the face of clocks and calendars and that because Jesus still lives, I am never very far away from my heavenly home.

So, Shalom to you. Walk with confidence. Shalom. Walk with Joy. Shalom. Walk with the Resurrection-spirit pulsing in your breast. Walk unafraid because even in your darkest hour there is always the proven promise of the dawn.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Roman 8:38-39

Have a friend visit my ONE A DAY YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS site. Have them go to Google and where it says “Google Search” type in “Neil Spiritual Vitamins”

And, yes, if this site has met any of your needs share it with a friend. Just have them go to “Google Search” and type in “Wyrick’s Writings”

And, yes, maybe they will back track a few weeks to read other of my musings.

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