Friday, May 29, 2009


(These thoughts are added to three times each week)

Time after time after time, when counseling a couple whose marriage is in trouble I’ve had the husband or a wife look at me and then at their mate and say, “I will do anything to save this marriage. ANYTHING!”

Too often they have come to this conclusion too late.

So let me share with you a suggestion I’ve made countless times to couples who want a way to improve their marriage before it’s too late. Besides being specific to fit individual problems, I share one other insight, that if it is followed, I know is bound to improve their home life.

Treat each other as if the other one had just come to you and asked for a divorce.

That’s right. If you might well do this when it is too late why not do it NOW so that this terrible day will never come.

Think on it. If each one is more concerned with the other’s happiness before his or her own, both will receive infinitely more than if either did nothing but demand their own desires be met.

And don’t keep a mental list of who seems to be doing more. This is counter-productive. At various times due to situations and circumstances, one is bound to be doing more, but just make sure you are trying to do your part and it will even out.

What I am saying is that a good marriage gets better when each party really tries to figure out the others wave length and rides that wave.

Good marriages are like a garden. Fertilize them with creative caring. Water them with thoughtfulness rather than thoughtlessness. Walk the walk and watch the whole marriage path just get better and better.

A good marriage takes place when both husband and wife keep falling in love over and over again….with the same person.

I close with one of my favorite quotes is, “Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years…” (Simone Signoret)

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