Friday, May 8, 2009



(These thoughts are changed three times a week)

It isn’t easy to move from plush to poverty. And definitely not simple to go from a secure salary to no salary at all. The ground is shaking under the feet of almost one out of ten folk so
what can be done when a job is gone and statistics have become a frightening reality and your income has shrunk to nothing? What if you still have a job but you didn't get that raise or you are now working four days out of five? If income and outgo are at war with each other what are some solutions?

First, pay in cash. You won’t spend as much so what you have left will have a greater spreading power. People just don’t let go of a dollar bill as easily as they swipe a credit card.

Secondly, don’t invite fear to your dinner table. We all know where to find out how bad the economy is. The television networks and newspapers overwhelm us with negative market reports, and no further away then a computer chip obeying your command there is more such dismal and destructive data. Be wise. Such overload is no friend. Watch a comedy. Stop courting distress.

Third, wherever you have your money invested, leave it there unless you really have to have it. There are no guarantees; but if history has any truth in it…the market will be going back up. When? No one knows, but selling low when you bought high is obviously not a good idea. Patience has always been a virtue. When it comes to finances it is sometimes a necessity.

Fourth, look at what you are still spending your money on and ask yourself, “What is the real purpose of that last purchase?” If it can’t stand a truthful comeback, take it back, if you can.

Fifth, seek alternative pleasures. Can’t afford to go out to a movie? Stay home and rent a movie. Even the popcorn is cheaper. Or, play a game of Upword. It may slow your mood from heading downward. Or go ahead and have your favorite meal...the only difference being it is in your home kitchen rather than your favorite expense eating restaurant. Brown bag for lunch. It will put more green in your wasllet.

Sixth, watch your language. I’m not talking about cursing but the curing power of not using words like “hopeless” “never recover” or “we’re lost.” Life goes on. Children are still being born. The horizon brings a new day every 24 hours and there will be the sun as well as the clouds.

A half a dozen thoughts to raise your spirits? Better than a half dozen sighs to break your heart. And yes, share these thoughts with a friend. Sharing makes all of us feel better.

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