Monday, September 15, 2008

An Ounce of Improvement is Equal to An Ounce of Improvement

And, yes, eventually, it adds up to a pound.
Husbands and wives PLEASE study the following questions and hopefully come up with the right answers.
1. Is your sense of humor in the Lost and Not Found Department? One does not have to be a comedian or always be telling jokes to be a good partner, but the ability to laugh at oneself should not be a lost art.
2. Do you too often make your mate a target for your temper?
3. Have you lived with a stranger lately? Well, what I’m really saying is that some mates should treat their partners like strangers because they treat strangers better than their partners.
4. Do you really expect sweetness to rise out of acid complaints?
5. Do you get mad and stay that way long after you really should have calmed down?
6. Do you talk too much and listen too little?
An ounce of improvement is the first step on the way to a pound of cure!

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