Monday, September 8, 2008

The Importance of Knowing All About Your Bananas

It’s an old story but really quite timeless. A young grocery clerk was bagging some bananas that were well past their prime. An older clerk shouted out, “Don’t do that! Don’t even think about sending those bananas to Mrs. Abbott! She is very particular about what she gets, and if her order isn’t right, she’ll send it back.”
“Now bananas like that are all right for Mrs. Brown. She doesn’t know the difference and she doesn’t care.”
And so it is in the United States; when all the votes are soon counted America will get the bananas they asked for. If enough have done their homework and know a good banana when they see it, at the very least their vote will make sense. If they know nothing but just that they find the candidate pleasing and vote from that perspective, they may have voted for the wrong banana. And it will be too late.
So, read all you can and think all you can about as much information as you can…then and then only vote.
Yes, your vote is important because a million times one is a million while a million times zero is zero.

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