Monday, September 29, 2008

Innovative Parenting Skills

Raise your child not to rush toward ignorance. Teach them to fall in love with knowledge and not to court stupidity. And, yes, he or she who does not constantly learn something new is both bored and boring. Talk with someone who is overwhelmed with a lack of knowledge and they will prove the fact. Ask your child if they want everyone, after they spoken with them for awhile, to think they are bored and boring.
Teach your child to have a little of the shooting star in them rather than be satisfied with being just a flashlight. An enthusiastic child is much more apt to do and be their best. How can it be taught?
First, by not killing it. Parents do that with words such as “Stop asking such stupid questions.” "Shut up and go play outside.” “Act your age.” You are the laziest kid (child) on the face of the earth.”
Second, by showing enthusiasm for your child’s enthusiasms.
And….what’s it like to be a child? We’ve forgotten.
What’s it like to be a parent? A child has no experience.
So try role playing. It may produce laughter, but it may well also produce understanding.
To your child say, “Let’s play a game. For a little while I’m going to be you and you’re going to be me. We’re going to act out scenarios (teach them a new word) about manners, responsibilities and the whole art of living better.”
To get started, perhaps act and sound as he or she does when you remind them to do a chore. Then encourage them to act and sound as you do during the same discussion. And no fair getting your feelings hurt when your child really gets into it and proves a facile mimic.
You may both have a little trouble getting into the spirit of the game. Your imagination may require some mental massaging, but don’t give up on the idea. Most problems arise because we really don’t get in the other person’s frame of mind. It really may come as a revelation to both parties how each sounds from the other person’s point of view.
An anonymous wisdom person suggests that if we want our children to keep their feet on the ground we must be sure we have put sufficient responsibility on their shoulders.

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