Tuesday, October 7, 2014

CAN GOD SMILE? CAN GOD CRY? (A Continuation)

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GO TO NEIL’S OTHER BLOG ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS and read the following brain teasers. CLICK ON URL BELOW There are over 700 stories and commentaries on this blog. It is added to daily.

God is a god of joy. Look at all the fun He had in creating this universe.

And, yes, He can be happy. Remember his words, “You are my son in whom I am well pleased.”
Unfortunately, there are times when God cannot smile. He does not smile when we sin. He does not smile when men pursue war rather than peace and steal from each other because of greed rather than give to each because of compassion.

He does not smile when good Christians do not act like it in any way, shape or form. 9
I close with this thought. God smiles evertime He sees us worshiping and trying to get better at it…and seeking the truth of His love.

This is but one of millions of churches that have been built and we are but one of those congregations, but it is good - what we are trying to do…and God knows it and is pleased by it and we are not alone.
Billy Sunday once declared, “If you have not joy in your faith, there’s a leak in your Christianity somewhere.”
If you have not yet made a resolution, or if you have, add this to the list: decide to live in such a manner you bring a smile to the face of God… on a regular basis.
As we bow our heads in our closing prayer, listen to these words of St. Francis of Assisi and as often as you can, apply them to your daily actions:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.              

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen

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