Sunday, March 27, 2011

SIXTY PLUS AND NOT HOLDING (continuation of serialization)


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This book was published in 1996 and has been read by and still fills thousands of libraries. I am now making it available for you my friends of this blog. From time to time used copies are available on I enjoyed writing it. I can but hope you will enjoy reading it. STARTED SUNDAY MARCH 5, 2011 (added to each Sunday)


WOULD YOU HAVE MORE HAPPINESS? "Earth's crammed with heaven," said Thoreau. Unfortunately earth is also crammed with too many people filled with gripes, grumbles and grousings to notice. So maximize your blessings-recognition skills of God's freebies. Love, light, laughter. A bright moonscape in an otherwise darkened sky. Wild flowers having taken possession of a hillside meadow. The giggle of a grandchild.

Would you have more happiness? Then stop believing that it lies in one more gadget from Sharper Image.

Do I shop at Sharper Image? Sure do. Do I have to have everything I see there to be happy? I hope not. Learn to be thankful for what you do have rather than unhappy about what you don't have.

Would you have more happiness? Have a sense of God and a sense of humor. Helen Keller, born deaf, dumb and blind, had both. One day her sense of humor showed when someone asked if she could feel colors. She promptly replied, "Oh yes, I can feel blue."

Would you have more happiness? Loosen up. Stand on a New York City street and stare at the tall skyscrapers without caring what people watching you are thinking.

Don't fret and worry over trying to mold yourself into a thousand different selves. Just be yourself.

The best self you can be, but be yourself. Relax. Don't always be sensible. Have the nerve to take a walk in the rain without an umbrella.

Bellow in the shower like an opera star or clap your hands with unrestrained glee. Be a little nonsensical every now and then as a way of waking up an otherwise sleeping spirit. Be a beacon of joy. Share your love of life with such gusto that when you walk into a room everyone there will be glad you came.

And the next time you feel an overwhelming desire to find fault, sew your mouth shut until the feeling goes away. Or perhaps another way of putting it; don't needle -use one.

Would you have more happiness?

Crank up your neurological-movie-house on a regular basis and watch mental movies of good times in your past. Remember the kitten, now grown to be a cat, arriving at your back door.

And the bicycle you once regularly rode, and ought to ride again. And that favorite spot thirty feet up in the crook of a tree. Shine up your today’s by giving a personal Oscar to the best of your yesterdays.

Would you have more happiness?

Take your opportunities seriously but not yourself so seriously you become your own worst enemy.

Lou Holtz in speaking of his book, The Game Plan/or Success, said, "I wanted the book to have a picture of me on the cover and call it, You're Better Than This. 1 wanted people to look at me and say, 'Dog gone it! I've got every bit as much talent and ability as that sucker has!'" He goes on to call attention to the fact he is 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighs 152 pounds, wears glasses, has a lisp, very limited intelligence (lower half of his high school class), not a good athlete, not impressive and yet able to marry a lovely woman, have four children who all graduated from college, who still say, "I love you," and call him Dad.

Happiness is doing the best you can with what you've got. That can't be said too often. And then there are the following gems that I have been gathering for a lifetime…gems for any age.

People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals.

That is, goals that do not inspire them. -Anthony Robbins Take care that old age does not wrinkle your spirit even more than your face. -Michel de Montaigne

Don't halt before you are lame. -old English proverb

Don't worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older, it will avoid you. -Joey Adams .

Do sometimes go to your back porch, or a park with a book to read and then don't read it. Rather sit back and listen to the singing of the birds. -V. Neil Wyrick

 If you wouldst live long, live well; for folly and wickedness shorten life. -Benjamin Franklin

We never stop laughing because we are old. We grow old because we stop laughing. -Anonymous ~ **********************
TO BE CONTINUED NEXT SUNDAY *********************************

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To view an abundance of unusual stories and comments by Neil Wyrick go to Neil’s other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL


BELOW IS A QUOTE FROM one SERIES on this Wyrick’s Writings site entitled ANGER IS A KILLER. It began Thursday January 6, 2010. “Do you enjoy visiting friends? More than likely you’re thinking, Preacher, of course, I do. Now let me ask the other side of the coin -

Do you enjoy visiting enemies?


Well, I know you must enjoy visiting at least one enemy because, like myself, you probably visit this one quite often. Unfortunately, we all …visit this enemy…whose name is anger. Some visit anger seldom . Some on a regular basis. And during those visits, some spew and others stew.” *******************************

TO WATCH NEIL WYRICK IN HIS ONE MAN DRAMAS (Presented to millions all around the world) (Ben Franiklin, Martin Luther, Charles Wesley and Abraham Lincoln) (this Lincoln film takes 11 seconds to download but is worth the wait)

CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING ********************************************* V. Neil Wyrick’s ninth book THE SPIRITUAL ABRAHAM LINCOLN and is available at MAGNUS PRESS

CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS BOOK AND OTHER MAGNUS PRESS FAVORITES 25% off all books, buy 4 get 1 free and free shipping Winter Sale through March Phone Orders: 800-463-7818 ********************************

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