Tuesday, January 25, 2011

RUST ON MY SOUL (42nd in series)


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The Serialization of RUST ON MY SOUL is added to each TUESDAY Go back to April 13th and start the Series.


RUST ON MY SOUL (A Novel) (Published by Bridge Press in 1985 & Distributed Internationally) (A new Series that began on Tues April 13th and will continue every Tuesday thereafter until finished) (Thursday & Sunday will continue to cover a variety of subjects as in the past)

INTRODUCTION (Repeated for those new to the series)

In an old loose leaf notebook, Thomas Kettering wrote when there was a cry from his heart. He wrote when his inner longing spilled over into the reality of his days. He did not write every day, only when he felt he must. How often he wrote or when is not important. The journey is what counts, for it is a diary about all of us, to all of us. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” and even a stumble is a step.



Yesterday is still fuzzy, a frail falling in and out of a moment I’ll never forget. It underlines itself in my remembering.

It was late afternoon and I was on my way home from another disappointing interview when the pain started in my left arm. It was 5:56 PM by the toll booth clock, and I was running late again.

I handed the attendant a dollar- I need to get my Sun Pass-tired so tired I was…everything switching to slow motion…tired.

Why couldn’t he make change any faster?...that’s right…no change…Cold supper a hot complaining Nancy…why did I keep repeating myself…Nancy the breadwinner now.

The least I could do was get supper ready on time. The Help Wanted poster on the toll booth ought to read, “Only the slowest need apply.”

“Do something, don’t just give me that blank stare.” I didn’t shout the words at the attendant. I only thought them. I felt irritation building behind the pain that was now clutching at my chest. Finally he handed me the coins.

My foot to the floor- seventy miles an hour…the pain pulling tight the muscles in my chest…my arms aching as they seemed to fill with hot, heavy, thickening oil…I had to make it home.

A policeman? Where did he come from? The patrol car’s flashing blue light and siren announced his presence. I pulled over.

“You okay?” The question was asked with genuine concern.

The pressure pushed in toward my lungs and out toward somewhere beyond my chest. “Why do you ask, officer?” Politeness. It never pays to poormouth a policeman. My hands were wet and the pressure pushed in toward my lungs and out toward somewhere beyond my chest. I felt like I was going to explode.

“You were going seventy-five and you don’t look so good.”

“I’m not drunk,” I assured him. “I’m just tired and in a hurry to get hoe.” Why did I say that?” I knew something was wrong…I needed help.

There was a struggle to my seeing…a grey was setting in from the outer edges of my vision. No more words came…frantic, futile motions with my mouth but no words.

To be continued next Tuesday

Below is a quote from Thursday Jan 20th Wyrick’s writings blog entitled ANGER VS. PATIENCE

“After the old man had departed, God called out to Abraham and asked where the stranger was. Abraham replied, “I sent him on his way because he did not worship you.”

God answered “I have suffered him all his eighty years although he dishonors me. Could you not endure for just one night?”

God suffers us, endures us! And forgives us and loves us and sets such a perfect example for us.”

BELOW IS A QUOTE FROM A NEW SERIES…quoted from Sunday Jan 2 2011
A HEAVENLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM(1st in series) (on this Wyrck’s Writing blog)

It began Sunday Dec 26, 2010

“I have always been intrigued by a question God put to Adam, “Where are you?” Why did He ask that? What is the meaning behind this? It wasn’t a geographical question, for certainly God knew the answer to that one.

To view an abundance of unusual stories and comments by Neil Wyrick go to Neil’s other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL


BELOW IS A QUOTE FROM A NEW SERIES on this Wyrick’s Writings site entitled ANGER IS A KILLER. It began Thursday January 6, 2010.

“Do you enjoy visiting friends? More than likely you’re thinking, Preacher, of course, I do.
Now let me ask the other side of the coin - Do you enjoy visiting enemies? No?

Well, I know you must enjoy visiting at least one enemy because, like myself, you probably visit this one quite often. Unfortunately, we all …visit this enemy…whose name is anger.

Some visit anger seldom . Some on a regular basis. And during those visits, some spew and others stew.”


TO WATCH NEIL WYRICK IN HIS ONE MAN DRAMAS (Presented to millions all around the world) click on the following (Ben Franiklin, Martin Luther, Charles Wesley and Abraham Lincoln (this Lincoln film takes 11 seconds to download but is worth the wait)


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