Tuesday, July 28, 2009


How much time do you spend paralyzed by paranoia? Do you always see the worst in everyone and everything? Are you guilty of refusing to even talk about positive thinking, let alone believe in it?

Hope. It has been called foolish, Pollyanna, unrealistic. Actually, it is getting on with life rather than choosing paralysis. It is believing in better tomorrows rather than imagining a terrorist hiding around every corner.

It’s getting back on planes, and eating in restaurants instead of supping on paranoia. It’s being a spiritual Atlas that allows you the possibility of holding the world on your shoulders rather than being crushed by it.

We all hope for longer periods of peace, for the ability to live with pain, to cope with problems and have a better understanding of this thing called life.

“It can’t be done,” laments a man; and buries his dreams, lets his talents go to waste and his life go to nothing. And yet another person says, “Maybe it can’t be done, but I’ll never know without trying.” And so by faith and hope Nobel prize winner, Jane Adams, began Hull House in Chicago, and Albert Schweitzer moved into the wilderness of Africa, and someone says, “I can change” and is changing.

What is hope? It is man’s best looking for a place to happen

This story appeared in the December 8, 2001 edition of The Miami Herald
Newspaper. An 11-year-old boy who had been told he had two to five days to live. His skin was ghostly white. Tubes were everywhere. His body, skin and bone. He suffered from a rare form of muscular dystrophy. Five months earlier he was asked, “Would you like a new toy? A favorite food?” “No,” he replied, “but I would like for someone to publish my poems so others can find in them the strength and resolve I’ve found.”

Fast forward and in not that long a period of time he could be found at a Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Alexandria, Virginia. This same little boy, Mattie Stepanek, signing copies of his newly published book, Journey Through Heartsongs, the sequel to his first book, Heartsongs, a best seller. Two books in less than half a year. . He could live two days or two years but he didn’t think small. He didn’t think small, not at all.

He is gone now but he lived longer than anyone ever thought he would and most importantly while he lived he did not just exist, he soared.
Do big dreams followed by big deeds always work out? Of course not! But at least even failure can bring a special kind of joy because you have the satisfaction of knowing you tried.

All dreams are but a hoot and a holler away from rejection because dreamers see beyond the status quo. The world stands ever ready to shoot down dreamers and their dreams. It always has. It always will.

Someone once said to a policeman who daily walked an eight-hour beat, “Yours must be a dog’s life.” “It would be, if I were a dog,” replied the policeman.
Would you have your dreams come true? Then realize that better runners are not always the fastest, but certainly the most committed.

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