Friday, December 12, 2008


How to turn Procrastination into a Friend rather than a Foe (2)

(New ideas are posted each Monday and Thursday)

I didn’t procrastinate so here are the next ideas on how to defeat Procrastination. The total is one now one dozen and may following these ideas multiply your peace with yourself quotient by the number 12.

7. You can’t write yourself too many notes. Most procrastinators rely on what they see as their perfect memory and then conveniently forget.
8. Are you a perfectionist? They are often the worst procrastinator because they end up coming to the conclusion that if they can’t do something perfect they might as well not do it at all.
9. Fear of rejection. If you don’t try, you can’t be rejected. Is this you?
10. Ask yourself the questions, how long will it actually take to get done what needs to be done? Is it worth the time? What will happen if I continue to put it off? Write your answers down. The reason for naming the amount of time for a task is that a shorter task will look easier when viewed against one that takes a much larger amount of time…and this way you may well be motivated to, at least, go ahead and do the shorter time consuming task.
11. Create your own anti-procrastination day of the week or month. Let this be a day you celebrate like some other holidays, celebrate by getting things you’ve been putting off actually done.
12. Sometimes messiness is one of the greatest friends of procrastination. Need I say more.
And so for what they are worth, I am glad to have shared with you dozen ideas that have worked for me and hopefully you will consider putting into practice at least some of them. And by so doing, stop constantly reviewing problems but rather in a far shorter time start trying to solve them.

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