Wednesday, December 24, 2008


(New thoughts are posted each Monday and Thursday)

“There has been only one Christmas…the rest are anniversaries,” wrote W. J. Cameron. And so it is that mankind once again renews his perpetual prayer for Peace on earth, Good will toward man.

Some little children will actually tell you they have heard in the distance the “Ho,Ho,Ho’s” of Santa’s helpers. It is the season for miracles, so why not?

For all the stress of Christmas shopping there are still more smiles on happy faces and the desire for giving is far greater across the land. Watch a candle slowly melting away and if you stop and think about it, as it gives out light without asking anything in return it becomes a symbol of what Christmas is all about.

There are the inevitable Christmas jokes. “I once brought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, “Toys not included.” Or “You know you’re getting older when Santa starts looking younger.” Someone has even suggested in a jocular manner that the worst Christmas gift is a fruitcake and that there really is only one fruitcake in the world that keeps being sent over and over again.

Would you be particularly creative this year? Then give a potted evergreen tree from your local nursery. This way, when Christmas is behind you it can be planted in your backyard rather than thrown into your local landfill. Just imagine down through the years looking at one particular tree in your parade of Christmas gift trees and saying, “Ah, Yes, I believe that one joined us ten years ago.

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