Tuesday, August 22, 2017


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GO TO NEIL’S OTHER BLOG ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS and read the following brain teasers. 
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Have you ever heard of the LOST & NOT FOUND Department?  And what is in that department you might ask. 

All the people who never learned to make up their minds and constantly labor in the throes of indecision and procrastination.

All the people who are always making promises and pledges and not fulfilling them.  Dreaming dreams and forgetting them.  Having faith and letting it shrivel and almost die.

All the people who have no goals in life and therefore no reason for living.

“Men are failures not because they are stupid but because they are not sufficiently impassioned.”  Let me repeat that…“Men are failures not because they are stupid but because they are not sufficiently impassioned.”  (Struthers Bart)

The great French philosopher Montaigne put it this way, “A man who has not directed his life as a whole toward a definite goal cannot possibly set his particular actions in order. 

The archer must know what he is aiming at, and then set his hand, his bow, his strings, his arrow and his movements for that goal. 

Our plans go astray because they have no directions and no aim.  No wind serves the man who has no port of destination.”

Let me ask you some questions? 

Can you shoot  straight with a crooked arrow? 

I’m an old pilot who flew back in the time of wooden propellers and I always knew you couldn’t fly too well with a warped and imperfect prop.

Fact is, if too warped it would shake loose and the plane will soon be making an emergency powerless landing.

The book of Proverbs (Proverbs 29:18) shouts with profound simplicity the following truth.  “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Kagawa, working in the slums of Japan and being called “Christ’s fool” had a vision.

Martin Luther stood strong and tall with his beliefs as he said “Here I stand.” He had a vision.

Roger Bacon, carrying out his scientific experiments despite the threats of the inquisition, had a vision.

Paul Bunyan, writing “Pilgrim’s Progress” in a filthy jail, had a vision.

Our Founding Fathers had a vision. 

Those who marched with Martin Luther King in Birmingham and beyond had a vision.

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