Thursday, August 31, 2017


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There is a story often told about Martin Luther, the Father of our Protestant faith, of how he had been moping about for more days and nights than were good for him and those around him.

Finally, his wife appeared one morning dressed totally in black. “Katherine,” he asked, “Why are you dressed as if in mourning?”

“Someone has died,” she replied.

“Why have I not heard? Who was it?” asked Luther

“It seems,” his wife responded, “that God must have died.”

Luther got the point.

No, God is not dead, but we must be alive to that fact.  Stretch our souls in the workout room of the spirit.  Because a soul flabby from lack of use cannot bear the burdens that inevitably come to all of us.

If someone were to ask you, “What is my soul?”  How would you answer?  Your soul?  Oh, you could give the dictionary description, “the immaterial essence of an individual life.”  But that’s about as satisfactory an answer as feeding on boiled cardboard or fried cellophane.

So then “What is the soul?”

Well, first and foremost, it is the eternal you.  It is not captive to the calendar by any way or means.

It is like a great ear as it reacts to all it hears from sources here on earth and from the heaven-sent voice of God.

It has muscles in the sense that if not used it shrivels and almost dies.  I say almost because it is never too late for a man or woman to begin a workout program for this most important part of our being.

Secondly, one very special quality of our souls, they are color blind.  For all our earthly foolishness, ultimately we are brothers and sisters beneath the Fatherhood of our living God.  To argue otherwise is to create a world of fenced-in ruts.  In God’s world where stretched souls live, there are no neighborhood restrictions because the world, the whole world, is our neighborhood.

One isn’t very far into the book of Genesis before the subject of the soul leaps off the pages, “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

We are further into the first book of the Gospels when Matthew warns us of the soul’s importance, “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”  (Matthew 16:26)

Indeed, have you ever noticed that men sell their soul to the Devil?  But give their soul to God?

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