Tuesday, June 26, 2012

TIME IS WONDERFUL! Determinted Discipline

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        GO TO NEIL’S OTHER BLOG ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS and read the following brain teasers.  CLICK ON URL BELOW There are over 900 stories and commentaries on this blog that began Nov 24, 2009. It is added to daily.

A young man wanted, with all his heart, to follow in his father’s footsteps and have a military career, so he applied to West Point Military Academy.  But his first application came back, Denied.  He tried again.  He was rejected again.

The secret to success is learning how to fail, so, filled with determination, he tried a third time.  Finally, he was accepted.

And what was that determined young man’s name?  Douglas McArthur.

And young Douglas, actually ended up outranking his father, Lt. General Arthur MacArthur by becoming a five star general. 

     Another young man loved to work on automobiles.  They were in their infancy but he was good at it and decided he would form his own automobile manufacturing corporation.  He had a dream and he gave it his all, and he failed.  Went bankrupt.  Found himself back at ground zero.

So what did he do?  What anyone who has determination and discipline does, he didn’t waste his time.  He stuck out his jaw, warmed up his dream and went for a second try.  And succeeded, rather well, I think you will agree, for this man was Henry Ford.

Twenty-three publishers looked at the efforts of this writer and suggested he try something else for a living.  You see, he wrote strange stories and drew strange pictures.  So what did he do?  What any determined writer does, he kept on writing.  And one day the twenty-fourth publisher took a chance on Theodor Geisel and over 6 million copies of that first book have been sold over the years, not counting all his other wonderful, imaginative books the world has come to love.  You see his pen name was Dr. Seuss.
     But it is not required that we climb the tallest mountain, or take the most difficult course of study, or a set a record of any sort. 

It is required that we set some goals; small, large or in between, and that we turn some good and godly dreams into deeds.  That we take at least some of the time God has given us, and trim it with silver actions that shine.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish,” speaks Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

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