Thursday, August 13, 2009


He washes his hands over and over and over again. His name is Pilate and he cannot seem to ever wash them enough. For him, the world is a place of overwhelming guilt.

His hands are steady, persistent, patient, as he holds the sextant. Look closely for these are the hands of Christopher Columbus. He is about to discover a New World and like all of us, in the process, discover more and more of himself.

This hand pens a large, bold signature; large enough for fat King Charles to read without his glasses on. It is John Hancock’s hand signing the Declaration of Independence, and then passing on this great document for other hands to sign.

During World War II, Sir Winston Churchill raised two fingers to form a V for victory. And on the battlefields of that war, as done by countless generations before, so many hands were placed together in the sacred act of prayer.

Hands, they are our gift from God. We must make them a gift to God.

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