Sunday, February 1, 2009

CONFUSION...GO AWAY! (6th in series)

(New additions are made each Monday and Thursday)

Are you the victim of other people’s bitterness or ignorance? Remember things could be worse – and your attitude could be one of them. Also, link on to this thought; a rich person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.

Do you want to be happy? Do you want God in your life? They really are the same question. I’m not saying that knowing God will get you everything you want, but it will help you to more appreciate everything you do have. I know that if you feed your mind with the truth of God, your heart with the love of God, and devote your will to the purpose of God you will find a peace that passeth understanding. And that will surpass anything you had before.

From the cradle to the grave is a long journey. Its beginning is a miracle. Its ending a mystery. It is also an education. It is also a challenge. Someone has said that, “Life is a grindstone. It either grinds a man or woman down or polishes him up. It depends on the stuff heor she is made of.” And I would add, seeks to be made of.

Part of a poem from the Sanskrit reads, “….today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”

Your Christianity, and mine, is a lifestyle. It has in it the thrill of victory and the joy of over-coming defeats. It is a mindset that sets the thermostat of the soul to God control. It shouts with an overwhelming faith that God can improve the climate of our lives. If we have done our homework and know the gospel, it gives us beautiful visions that give us glory in return.

With a little imagination we can picture Galilee at the close of a day and see Jesus surrounded by the sick, the blind, the maimed and the weary. We can see and feel His heavenly wisdom. We can revel in His insights that guilt can weigh a thousand pounds without forgiveness. That grief can stain the brightest day with bitterness. That temptation sucks the goodness out of a man until he can sin without remorse.

If we quietly listen, we can hear our Jesus say, “Come unto me… come unto me….” And if we come unto Him, we know we are then more whole and well than we could otherwise ever be.

Then, like an old French saint we can sit quietly at the end of the day and in answer to a question “What are you doing?” reply, “I am just looking to the Lord and feel Him looking back at me.”

Let these words speak to you on days when you would stumble in confusion; broken down and not sure how to makes things well. And then…take the time to call in the Master Mechanic who knows what makes you tick and can improve the ticking.

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