Sunday, January 25, 2009


(A New Thought is Added each Monday and Thursday)

The secret is focus and what you focus on.

To watch a bumblebee in flight is to watch a Mission impossible in progress because bumblebees were designed to crawl not climb. Aerodynamically they are ground dwellers. Their heads on the ground rather than in the clouds. Had Lockheed designed its planes following the bumblebee plan they would have gone bankrupt years ago. Bumblebees simply can’t fly. And yet they do. Wonderfully, buzzingly, persistently they daily become airborne with astounding exuberant control. Knowing who they are and believing in who they are they pursue with pertinent focus their goals and some even turn them into missions.

And why not? God deals in the impossible all the time by making it routine.

Take the wonder of birth and all the years following called life. You and I, standing and sitting and living, all because of the amalgamation of a tiny sperm and egg. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual soul-fed human beings living out our existence on a spinning globe in an unbelievably complicated and endless universe. And he or she who is comfortable not just with who he or she is but the source of their being does not compound their confusions.

Fredrick Ruckert wrote, “In every man there lives an image of what he ought to be. As long as he is not that image, he ne’er at rest will be…”

Believing that the impossible is possible can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. So can it’s negative opposite. It takes a brave and unrelenting faith to climb more often than crawl. I like like Daniel Boone’s optimistic response to the question “Have you ever been lost?” “Nope, but I was once powerful confused for three whole days.” He pecked at path sold and new. He would not give up and allow himself to stay confused and so he made it safely back to his home. Sometimes we need to put tiny miracles in place until we have built a larger miracle.

An old French philosopher commented that he constantly worried about things, most of which never happened. Worries can do that, drag us around while complicating and compounding our confusions. When this happens it really does make sense to do some simple but effective things such as take a cold shower or pray a warm prayer. To not flitter from one way of thinking to another at the drop of a philosophy.

We’re back to focus again…now aren’t we? So pick your ideas and insights and focus, focus, focus, focus…………….

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