Tuesday, May 21, 2013


REMEMBER EACH TUESDAY a continuing addition to my novel “RUST ON MY SOUL” will be added until the entire novel has appeared. (Published by Bridge Press, 1985) (Distributed Internationally)

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Are you guilty of parental or grandparental blindness? Good manners make a nicer world for everyone to live in, but we humans weren’t born with them encoded in our behavior patterns. Manners must be taught.

Some would argue that good manners just don’t fit into today’s societal habits (though I can’t quite handle those comments) Fact is, many leaders once they get far enough up the ladder have to go to Seminars to learn the good manners they should have learned when they were kids.

It’s not a question of perfection. But on going imperfection is unacceptable behavior.

There are certain basics, so check this partial ist of partial solutions.

1. At an early age teach your children to cover their mouths when coughing.

2. Tantrums should not be allowed. Easier said than done, I know, but if youn’t nip such behavior in the bud it’s only become a bouquet of stinkweeds. Explain that you are willing to listen to words, but screams only bring banishment from polite society until they are over. Think your little ones are too young to handle such talk? It’s amazing how soon younguns begin to understand. Be sure you don’t match their actions with your own tantrums

3. Table manners are just as important at home as they are at a restaurant. In fact, don’t expect them anywhere if you haven’t enforced them at home. Don’t be afraid to send your child away from the table. A few missed meals won’t be disasterous to his/her health and will usually get your point across.

4. One of the fascinating gadgets that kids can’t wait to use is the telephone. However, it’s not a toy and how to use it should be learned before handling is allowed. Does “Good Morning, this is the Jones residence” , “Julie speaking” sound artificial to you? But it’s so much better than “Hello (often spoken too loudly” or “Yeah.” It also reflects on their upbringing…YOU.

5. Loud and unruly behavior in stores, movies, etc. are verboten! Ever heard a parent say (when the child can hear) “I never discipline her/him in public.” This is like “Open Sesame” to any kid. You don’t have to spank or create a scene – taking the misbehaving child quickly out of the movies…or no more shopping for the day…send a very strong message. A few times of sticking to your guns and not iving in will work wonders.

6. Please. Thank you. Ah, sweet music to everyone’s ears. Once again when taught young it’s easier. You have to be consistently persistent or it’s in one ear and out the other.

Of course, these aren’t the only problem areas children have. It isn’t easy learning how to grow up to be responsible adults. But they will keep you busy for a while. And needless to say, the best training tool is “Monkey see, monkey do.”

Or the worst training depending on what they are seeing.


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CLICK ON THE TOP RIGHT SIDE OF THIS SCREEN WHERE IT READS “CLICK HERE TO WATCH NEIL AS WESLEY, LUTHER, FRANKLIN & LINCOLN”…His presentations have been called equal to Hal Holbrook and were presented all over the world.

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