Sunday, November 14, 2010


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One day, a scientist discovered a large ant hill in his kitchen garden.

Propelled by his usual curiosity and interest in these tiny creatures, he bent down to examine them more closely. But he found it very difficult. Every time he moved closer, his shadow spread across them and the little ants fled in terror.

“I stepped back,” the scientist wrote in his diary, “and sat down on the grass to think out the situation. I had only good will toward the ants and did not wish to harm a one of them. But how could I make the ants aware of my good will.

My imagination began to play with the problem.

To these tiny ants, I was an all-powerful creature “somewhere up there” whose thoughts they could not guess, whose ways and intentions they could not know.

If only I could communicate. But even that would not be enough. Even then, I would be a gigantic being to the ants, and they would never believe that I understood their problems – the minute organization of the hill, their struggles for good, and their battles with other ants.
Only one thing could give them complete confidence. That is, if by some alchemy, I could for a time…become an ant…”

Do you doubt a loving Father? Who was Jesus? Come to give us complete confidence. By divine and compassionate heavenly alchemy become man and dwell among us.

He left a throne room where He was high and lifted up and went to a place where he would eventually suffer and die upon a cross.

He did not just peer down and shout through the pearly gates, “I feel your pain.”

No…He came down to this little oblate spheroid called earth and healed the sick and the poor and the hurting.

He did this because He was part of an eternal plan. He did this so that we could be reminded that He our God does cares and that He truly understands.

He did this that we would know that God loves us.
"Behold what manner of Love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." (1 John 3:1)

We have the title…it is a gift and with such a title comes He who gave it to us.
A New Series on

began on this blog “Wyrick’s Writings” Thursday September 16,

the 2nd in series on Sept 19…

and will continue Each SUNDAY until finished.

Then a new Series on PRAYER will begin..

Each Tuesday there is a continuation of the Serialization of his Internationally distributed novel RUST

To view an abundance of unusual stories by Neil Wyrick go to his other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL


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