Tuesday, September 28, 2010

RUST ON MY SOUL (25th episode in series)

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These thoughts are added to each Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday
On Tuesday and Thursday a variety of other subjects are covered.
Currently each Sunday there is a series on Pain and Problems


RUST ON MY SOUL (A Novel) (Published by Bridge Press in 1985 & Distributed Internationally) (A new Series that began on Tues April 13th and will continue every Tuesday thereafter until finished) (Thursday & Sunday will continue to cover a variety of subjects as in the past)
INTRODUCTION (Repeated for those new to the series)

In an old loose leaf notebook, Thomas Kettering wrote when there was a cry from his heart. He wrote when his inner longing spilled over into the reality of his days. He did not write every day, only when he felt he must. How often he wrote or when is not important. The journey is what counts, for it is a diary about all of us, to all of us. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” and even a stumble is a step.

(What matters is not what tomorrow brings but what you bring to tomorrow or as one philosopher put it, “Achievement is in the soul of man and not in his circumstances.”)
Late night

Never have so many people been categorized in so many ways by so many. Everything has been reduced to statistics.

How else would we know how to act? Between being told what we are doing and what we should do we are no longer free. We are a land of the enslaved reaching up and out from a valley of discontent.

Madison Avenue is not new as a tyrant, just more sophisticate. It has created a nation of lamenters afraid to make up their own minds.

“The Suburban Woman” is how Nancy refers to herself, and reads another book or another magazine article, or listens to yet another talk show so she will not fall behind in the ongoing description of her role in life.

Am I any better? How often do I give in? Flow with the tide? Read the statistics? Even when I paddle my own canoe, don’t I make sure my paddle is not one of the inferior brands?


I’m a businessman and the way I see it there is a spiritual currency called salvation, a human weakness called sin, and an eternal obligation that can only be paid by this medium of exchange.
There. The cover blurb for my spiritual prospectus. Cute? Clever? Concise?

Do I mean it? It’s probably true, but to me it’s still just words.
Wordsworth wrote “We live by admiration.”
Maybe you never thought of admiring your Lord, but think about it.
Try admiring his strength on the cross, His wisdom while He taught, His patience while He lived and His depth of character which placed Him head, soul and shoulders above all other men.
TO BE CONTINUED NEXT TUESDAY (If You Missed the beginning on Tuesday April 13th

To view an abundance of unusual stories by Neil Wyrick go to his other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL


began on this blog “Wyrick’s Writings” Thursday September 16,

the 2nd in series on Sept 19…

and will continue Each SUNDAY until finished.

Then a new Series on PRAYER will begin..

Each Tuesday there is a continuation of the Serialization of his Internationally distributed novel RUST ON MY SOUL.


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