Sunday, April 24, 2016


REMEMBER EACH TUESDAY a continuing addition to my novel “RUST ON MY SOUL” will be added until the entire novel has appeared. (Published by Bridge Press, 1985) (Distributed Internationally) 
To view my other blog “One A Day, Your Spiritual Vitamins”

Essentially what does the Beatitudes
(Matthew 5:1-10) say?

Blessed are they who are well adjusted…unburdened by excessive negativity…able to focus on sunshine rather than shadows…brightness rather than darkness…beauty rather than ugliness… love rather than hate… patience rather than anger. Negativity does not just steal time, it warps it. Of course, no one is always happy, but some are a great deal more unhappy and unhappier for longer periods of time, than they have to be.

I am sometimes asked if I have ever been depressed.

Well, I’ve had some times in my life when what I was carrying around certainly didn’t make me jump with joy.

Times, when though I had a compassionate heavenly Father, a loving earthly wife, wonderful children, a job that fulfilled me, great recreational pursuits and good health; I still needed to practice spiritual math.

To count my blessings real good. And keep on counting them until I had fought through my depression, or a down day, a bad hair day, whatever you want to call it. Actually, I call it a gift from the devil’s workshop.

I also try daily to apply what I was unconsciously learning in my youth – that each new challenge that produces a new skill gives me a sense of accomplishment and less opportunity for boredom.

Success of any kind does that and makes it hard for depression to settle in. All the things you can do to avoid boredom, do them. Boredom, the very thought is depressing. No worse than that…it is frightening.

Go home today and pull out one or more of your baby pictures. Look at that innocent, wide-eyed face, the you in your beginning who was so excited about everything you saw and were experiencing. And then really consider, “Has the world become less interesting or have I become less interested?”

Pray often each day, “Lord, give me back the eyes of a child.

Send me in search of that which will save me from being a cynic. Don’t let me take all the fun out of a magic show, or go to a circus and find I can no longer laugh when all those little people keep pouring out of that little car.

Let me still be enthralled when the lion tamer puts his head in the lion’s mouth.

Or filled with wonderment by the moon that keeps steadily moving across the sky.

Give me back who I was before I left Middle School and picked up being blasé in High School.

Let me feel free to sing in the shower, even if the shower is from heaven and I am walking down the street without a raincoat or umbrella.

Let me find joy that once I found from just wiggling my toes in the mud. Let me…”

I remember when I was a little boy and I found out that trees weren’t just for looking at, but also for climbing. For the rest of my boyhood, I spent more time up in the air than on the ground. And I was so excited. You just can’t be depressed when you are being Tarzan swinging through the trees.

Then, while I was still very young, I learned that those strange marks on pieces of paper were letters, and that if I learned to interpret them I could do what Mom and Dad called reading. And when I read, I could be a cowboy or a king, or go to strange and wonderful places, and I filled my mind with imaginative thoughts and it was exciting.

Who can feel bad, child or adult, when a good book is massaging their brain?

If I asked, I don’t know what you would tell me still gets you excited.

But there is so much happening in this old world to grab your attention: art and music, baseball, an upcoming sports event, the list is endless.

Oh, the list of all the things God offers us to get excited about is endless.

But if your answer is nothing, that you find nothing that really excites you, then go looking, please…because if you don’t, depression has already come looking for you.

And you have left a lethargic resting place for it to abide.
And, yes, if this site or the One A Day site has met any of your needs share it with a friend. Just have them go to “Google Search” and type in “Wyrick’s Writings”
Or click on the following URL

And, yes, maybe they will back track a few weeks to read other of my musings.


CLICK ON THE TO RIGHT SIDE OF THIS SCREEN WHERE IT READS “CLICK HERE TO WATCH NEIL AS WESLEY, LUTHER, FRANKLIN & LINCOLN”…His presentations have been called equal to Hal Holbrook and were presented all over the world.

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