Thursday, December 30, 2010

ANGER IS A KILLER (1st in Series)


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Do you enjoy visiting friends? More than likely you’re thinking, of course, I do.

Now let me ask the other side of the coin - Do you enjoy visiting enemies?


Well, I know you must enjoy visiting at least one enemy because, like myself, you probably visit this one quite often. Unfortunately, we all …visit this enemy…whose name is anger.

Some visit anger seldom . Some on a regular basis. And during those visits, some spew and others stew…

The spewers shout and scream and are a first class pain, but at least they are honest. You immediately see them from what they are. They leave little doubt in your mind what they are so incensed about.

With the stewers it is not quite that easy. They often brood and boil in private. You can tell they are mad at you but they never discuss it, let alone scream about it. They pout but never strike out. If you ask what’s the matter, their favorite phrase is, “If you don’t know I’m not going to tell you.”

So there it is. A major problem for many and a minor problem for just about anyone else. So let’s discuss it, this hard to control emotion called anger ……that is, unless you are angry with me for bringing it up.

First, you have to categorize yourself; which are you, a stewer or a spewer?

Next, let’s consider what the Bible has to say on the subject…and actually it has a lot to say.

Just for starters, from the book of Proverbs -
“Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city:” (Proverbs 16:32)

Then the Apostle James, who in his missionary travels certainly met his share of angry men, says, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” (James 1:19)

And the Apostle Paul, who could get up a pretty good head of steam himself, admonishes us, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

None of these can be called a ringing endorsement for anger.

I know…along about now, you may be thinking, But sometimes the world needs some righteous indignation.

And I agree with you…but we just don’t have that many opportunities to be righteously indignant, and we do make many opportunities to be unrighteously mad. So I’m starting out with the breed of anger that is indeed indignant… but hardly righteous. The kind that proves how often we speak and act before we think.

(To be continued next thursday)


A Quote from Sundays Wyrick’s Writihgs blog entitled A HEAVENLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM

I have always been intrigued by a question God put to Adam, “Where are you?” Why did He ask that? What is the meaning behind this? It wasn’t a geographical question, for certainly God knew the answer to that one.

It was a spiritual question to which God also had the answer. Then why ask it? For Adam’s sake, and all the Adams and Eves yet to come. For you and me in these 21st century days.

“Where are we? And where do we want to go? What do we want to be? And how much, or how little?” And we must never stop trying to answer God’s question as we try to get off a treadmill and aim toward a proper direction.


To view an abundance of unusual stories and comments by Neil Wyrick go to Neil’s other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL


A quote from One A Day blog posted today Thursday December 30th.

“I am hate. I am committed to destruction.
I live in a dark and melancholy valley,
surrounded by mountains of resentment.
There is great silence on my streets
for here people brood from morn till night.
There are no songs or laughter
For all around me give out only rebuke and rage.

Our population does not often change,
but some escape,
made whole again by love.”


Click on the following URL


Tuesday, December 28, 2010



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The Serialization of RUST ON MY SOUL is added to each TUESDAY Go back to April 13th and start the Series.


RUST ON MY SOUL (A Novel) (Published by Bridge Press in 1985 & Distributed Internationally) (A new Series that began on Tues April 13th and will continue every Tuesday thereafter until finished) (Thursday & Sunday will continue to cover a variety of subjects as in the past)

INTRODUCTION (Repeated for those new to the series)

In an old loose leaf notebook, Thomas Kettering wrote when there was a cry from his heart. He wrote when his inner longing spilled over into the reality of his days. He did not write every day, only when he felt he must. How often he wrote or when is not important. The journey is what counts, for it is a diary about all of us, to all of us. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” and even a stumble is a step.



Fired! At my age, fired. My God, what do I do now? I was speechless as D.L. quietly informed me my services were no longer needed. The shock waves of my unbelief ricocheted off the old familiar walls.

It hurt. Trust – mine – lay tattered, dirty, dragged through the mud of unconcern. I should have been shocked. The company will save a bundle on my pensions. It happens all the time “Business is not hardhearted, just practical.” I’ve said that. How prophetic.

I’m still shaking and not only just inside now. My hands tremble with rage at the indignity. Resigning is one thing, but being fired! What do I tell people?

Nancy. How do I break it to her that she’s now the breadwinner in this family? Thank heavens I haven’t mentioned the vacation idea I was planning to her. Looks like I’ll have one, but not the kind I anticipated.

It was a quiet civilized cutting of the cord. Why didn’t I let go the piercing scream that heaved in my chest? Why don’t I now let it out?

Because I, too, am civilized. Psychologically sanitized. I’m programmed to quickly clean out my desk, as if I really didn’t get fired but of my own volition am leaving this company that has been my daytime home for over twenty years.


Late night

“So what do I do now?” Fear? Despair? Anger? Or all three? Tears filled Nancy’s eyes. “How can I face my friends? No, I will not hide. We’re going to the dance just as we planned.”

“I’ll find another job.” I hope. I just offered myself more assurance than I felt For who wants the unwanted? What’s the market value of yesterday’s success? Indeed, what do I do now?

Come on, Thomas Jordan Kettering. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Don’t sit brooding. Nancy is right. Tomorrow night is the big country club dance and yes…we’re going. Not just because she is chair person of the planning committee and couldn’t stand to miss it, but also because, even if I have been pulled out of the spotlight, I’ve still got to go on with the show if putting on a good front has gotten me by all these years it’s going to see me though this one, too.

(To be continued next Tuesday)


A HEAVENLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM(1st in series) (on this Wyrck’s Writing blog)

It began Sunday Dec 26, 2010

…“in the world of man” identities are stolen all the time. It happened to us two summers ago. Someone reached into my wife’s purse and stole her identity. Went around proving they were her to a world that was more than willing to accept as fact what was obviously a lie.

We straightened it out, but for a short time “the things that man looks at” created an identity crisis.

But with God? No identity theft will ever take place. He knows who we are, the good and the bad and the in-between. And He loves us despite what He sees rather than because.


Sunday, December 26, 2010



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At the moment you were born, what was God thinking? I think He was thinking, as he always has, how important you are. “A little lower than the angels” is the way the Bible puts it.

I love the way the 139th Psalm describes our day of earthly entry. That God, "knit me together in my mother's womb." What a moment of wonderment. Life!

In the book of Samuel 16:7, the mind of God is spelled out quite clearly, It reads “…The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

This is no small thing, being created by and identified by God in such a way there is never any doubt in the halls of heaven who you are….who I am.

No small thing because “in the world of man” identities are stolen all the time. It happened to us two summers ago. Someone reached into my wife’s purse and stole her identity. Went around proving they were her to a world that was more than willing to accept as fact what was obviously a lie. We straightened it out, but for a short time “the things that man looks at” created an identity crisis.

But with God? No identity theft will ever take place. He knows who we are, the good and the bad and the in-between. And He loves us despite what He sees rather than because.

Yes, God knows us and loves us and forgives us and redeems us… but in return should we not love ourselves enough to take care of ourselves and redeem ourselves from foolish spiritual and physical habits that harm rather than repair?

When I was a little boy, one of my favorite games was hide and seek. To try to outsmart my playmates and manage to elude capture so I could then touch a home base tree first…that showed I had just won. It was fun.

But playing hide and seek with God and His commandments is not a game. Not a romp of competition. And to keep making withdrawals of forgiveness out of a spiritual bank account that never runs dry is great…but how much better to make deposits of good deeds and better resolutions.


Paul says, "I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from, the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."


“Nothing will be able to separate us…” No matter the context of various scriptures, they just keep saying, in different ways, the same thing over and over again. Where we are…God is. It’s like a giant heavenly theater with a wrap-around screen and God not missing a thing.

And he is watching us and loving us and forgiving us and calling on us to call on His name on a regular basis. And ask the right questions and try to live in such a manner we can give the right answers.

Were our actions this last week good or bad? And why did we perform them? The why being more important than the what. Of course, I am talking about self-examination, and that is sometimes about as pleasant as a trip to the dentist.

Do you ever consider what you are worth? And worth to whom, and why, and when? We get hung up on the word worth and get in all kind of trouble because of it.

A man buys a Cadillac and thinks it gives him more worth.

Another man adds up one college degree after another and thinks they give him more worth.

A job title. A star in sports. Popularity.

But as a sub text…many people eventually get around to believing and accepting full blast, “My greatest worth is that I was made by God.”


Over and over again the Bible underlines this real worth. From the very beginning in Genesis (1:1, 26-28) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female, he created them. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number…."

"Through him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made."(John 1:3, NIV)

And quoting Paul, he said in Acts 17:25: …for he himself [God] gives all men life and breath and everything else.

And in 17:28-29: For in God we live and move and have our being.

And again, in 1 John 3:1, 2: “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God”


A quote from the blog to be posted thursday December 30th blog entitled “ANGER IS A KILLER” (1st in Series)

“Do you enjoy visiting friends? More than likely you’re thinking, Preacher, of course, I do.

Now let me ask the other side of the coin - Do you enjoy visiting enemies? No?

Well, I know you must enjoy visiting at least one enemy because, like myself, you probably visit this one quite often. Unfortunately, we all …visit this enemy…whose name is anger.

Some visit anger seldom . Some on a regular basis. And during those visits, some spew and others stew…”

Neil Wyrick’s book RUST ON MY SOUL Serialized on Tuesday is available on

To view an abundance of unusual stories and comments by Neil Wyrick go to Neil’s other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL


Thursday, December 23, 2010



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I doubt you write out your prayers before you pray them.

You have a need; you petition. You have a gratitude; you pray a prayer of thanksgiving.

It is as it should be.

But though being spontaneous in your daily talks with God is a good and gracious way to proceed it is still good to think through later the structure of what you have prayed; the how, the what, the when and the where.

When you prayed, first did you listen? Some people take the scripture that reads “Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth” and rewrite it to read, “Listen Lord, thy servant speaketh.” (1 Samuel 3:10)

Could what you prayed for be considered a Christian prayer? Remember …if you end your prayer with the words “In Jesus name” you certainly want to have prayed a prayer he would approve.

Was it a prayer you really wanted to be answered, something you really wanted to take place, an improvement in your person you were really committed to following through on. A half hearted prayer is a wasted opportunity.

Promise what you will do to help make the prayer come true. You have prayed for help with your business? Have you promised to work longer and harder?

You have asked for better health? Are you committed to a better diet and more exercise?

Pray your prayer and then be patient.

You really don’t have to remind God about the prayer you just prayed two minutes ago. He heard you.

He will answer your prayer in his own way in his own time. In short, don’t make your prayer an anxiety center.
Below is a quote from a new series, entitled A HEAVENLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM(1st in series) It begins Sunday Dec 26, 2010

…“in the world of man” identities are stolen all the time.

It happened to us two summers ago. Someone reached into my wife’s purse and stole her identity. Went around proving they were her to a world that was more than willing to accept as fact what was obviously a lie.

We straightened it out, but for a short time “the things that man looks at” created an identity crisis.

But with God? No identity theft will ever take place. He knows who we are, the good and the bad and the in-between. And He loves us despite what He sees rather than because.
To view an abundance of unusual stories and comments by Neil Wyrick go to Neil’s other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


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This blog is added to each Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday

The Serialization of RUST ON MY SOUL each Sunday. Go back to April 13th and start the Series.

RUST ON MY SOUL (A Novel) (Published by Bridge Press in 1985 & Distributed Internationally) (A new Series that began on Tues April 13th and will continue every Tuesday thereafter until finished) (Thursday & Sunday will continue to cover a variety of subjects as in the past)

INTRODUCTION (Repeated for those new to the series)

In an old loose leaf notebook, Thomas Kettering wrote when there was a cry from his heart. He wrote when his inner longing spilled over into the reality of his days. He did not write every day, only when he felt he must. How often he wrote or when is not important. The journey is what counts, for it is a diary about all of us, to all of us. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” and even a stumble is a step.


“Let me tell you who I don’t like.”

It is a fussy, frantic, futile litany in our house.

It’s a learned response. We reverberate off each other’s revulsions. Prejudice is a package we used to pass around, but not anymore. Now we each have our own private little containers.

We aren’t restrictive on our list of rejections. We move from racial slurs to economic digs to super snobbishness at the drops of a rancor. And it isn’t funny. And it isn’t clever. It’s plain punk.

You can’t pass hate out your front door without dripping it all over your living room.

Animosity refuses to be selective. Even when you’re on target it splashes back.

“That little snip, who does she think she is? Just because she’s a cheerleader –“ Connie was on another dinner table recital.

“I knocked more than the chip off his shoulder” Billy banged the table to emphasize his point.

“You should have heard that woman at the hairdresser. If just one more time she –“ Nancy, not to be outdone or overwhelmed, related her tale of woe.

Tonight, I too had an anger to share. We hurt inside from so much outward anger.


I need a vacation. Not so much away from here but away from me. I’m tired.
Physically, psychologically, emotionally I feel worn out. Can mountain air refurbish my psyche? Can the seashore wash away the ashes of my burned-out emotions? I don’t know, but my only choice is to try.

Damn, I forgot! Nancy might be a problem.

Always before she has been ready and able to go anywhere, anytime. Now, with this job of hers, she might not be able to take the time off.
Well, we’ll just have to see. Damn!

Must I always be profane?
Compared to most of today’s profanity mine is that of a mild-mannered Clark Kent. But that’s hardly the point.


A quote below to be posted THURSDAY, Dec 23RD on this Wyrick’s Writings blog entitled ANOTHER THOUGHT ON PRAYERS

“Some people take the scripture that reads “Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth” and rewrite it to read, “Listen Lord, thy servant speaketh.” (Samuel 3:10)

Could what you prayed for be considered a Christian prayer? Remember …if you end your prayer with the words “In Jesus name” you certainly want to have prayed a prayer he would approve.”
The book RUST ON MY SOUL is available on
To view an abundance of unusual stories and comments by Neil Wyrick go to Neil’s other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL
Each Tuesday there is a continuation of the Serialization of his Internationally distributed novel RUST ON MY SOUL.

And on Thursday and Sunday a variety of subjects.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


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A woman was wandering through a marketplace when she came upon a sign that stopped her in her tracks. It read God’s Fruit Stand. Without hesitation she rushed over and began to exclaim, “I would like a perfect banana, a perfect cantaloupe, a perfect strawberry and a perfect peach.” It was then she recognized who was behind the counter, God. And looking at her with a heavenly smile, He simply replied, “I’m sorry but I only sell seeds.”

That is the hope given to us on the first Christmas, when God come to earth in the form of a little child.

Hope with a capital H named Jesus. Eternity with a halo.

That through Christ, men and women would take God’s seeds and make peace more often than war; offer tolerance more often than prejudice; give joy more often than sorrow.

Take these seeds of greatness that are within us all and make good things rather than bad things happen. Make the world a little better than a little worse. Never perfect, never that…but at least getting things aimed in the right direction, certainly in the direction of love for…

Some say love is a river that drowns the tender reed.

Some say love is the razor that leaves our soul to bleed.

Some say love is a hunger, an aching endless need.

I say love is a flower and you and I,
its only seeds

(anonymous, slight rewrite)

Archbishop Desmond Tutu of Africa summed it up so very well. What this grand and glorious promise of Christianity is all about. Remember, he personally experienced the abundant evils of apartheid and yet still he was able to write, “Goodness is stronger than evil; love is stronger than hate; light is stronger than darkness; life is stronger than death, victory is ours through Him who loves us.”

It is the manger message that will not, should not ever go away. It is why there are so many today looking for spiritual answers because all the technology in the world is still writing so much of their happiness with fading ink.

And why is there such solace when we find the Savior and give ourselves to Him?

Well, because “The Lord travels in all directions at once... Wherever we are, we find that God has just departed. Wherever we go we find God has just arrived before us.” (editing of quote from Thomas Merton)
A quote from THE BLOG to be posted Sunday, Dec 19 blog entitled DECEMBER, THE WARMEST MONTH IN THE YEAR”

“There has been only one Christmas…the rest are anniversaries...”
The book RUST ON MY SOUL is available on

To view an abundance of unusual stories and comments by Neil Wyrick go to Neil’s other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL

Each Tuesday there is a continuation on Wyrick’s Writings of the Serialization of his Internationally distributed novel RUST ON MY SOUL.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This blog is added to Tuesday, Thursday andSunday

RUST ON MY SOUL ea Go back to April 13th and start the Series.
If you would like to share this blog with a friend, go to the bottom and click on the TELL A FRIEND
RUST ON MY SOUL (A Novel) (Published by Bridge Press in 1985 & Distributed Internationally) (A new Series that began on Tues April 13th and will continue every Tuesday thereafter until finished) (Thursday & Sunday will continue to cover a variety of subjects as in the past)

INTRODUCTION (Repeated for those new to the series)

In an old loose leaf notebook, Thomas Kettering wrote when there was a cry from his heart. He wrote when his inner longing spilled over into the reality of his days. He did not write every day, only when he felt he must. How often he wrote or when is not important. The journey is what counts, for it is a diary about all of us, to all of us. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” and even a stumble is a step.

Beware! How often have I lit my fires of ego all burning bright with heat and flame?

Beware! Thomas Jordan Kettering has spoken the fires proclaimed.

Beware! I will destroy you and myself, too, in these flames of ego, if need be.

Beware! The shadow from the flame of the flame may be the shadow of a fool, but I am set to rule.

Oh God! I have destroyed friendships and family ties, made strangers uneasy. For what?

That my ego might be fed. That its insatiable appetite might not go wanting. I can name all the reasons; they’re all stacked u and packed away in that closet in my mind.’

I wanted to be president of the senior class, but I lost.

I wanted to go to Yale, but they wouldn’t have me.

I have wanted to be loved, but then one day a man who had nothing to lose said, “You’re a good fish, Tom.” That was twenty years ago and I’ve never forgotten it. Because in many ways he was right. I did hold back, aloof from the crowd. I still do.

“You can be charming when you want to.” That was what my mother used to say. But charming and caring are not the same.

“You’re a warm human being, Tom.” No one has ever said that about me.

I have not let my ego lie at ease. It is friend and foe, but in this rugged war of staying alive, of surviving with job and pay, of wining while someone else goes down the drain, ego does its job.

We’re down to two in our office.

The economy stands on shifting sands. Economic malnutrition does that. But I exude confidence. I work with controlled arrogance. I’ve sped up my output and lengthened my day. I’m safe. I have nothing to fear but fear itself. Thank you, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.


I am not always deep in depression but I all too frequently suffer from the downs. Change might be exciting, but in short order that too would spring a leak and lay limp. I seek no new marriage, no new job, no new adventures.

I find it more than enough to struggle on with my daily task of survival.

When my inner self cries out for help, who si listening? Is there a switchboard at the doorway to my soul? Can I call out and then expect an answer?

To ask for God healing I first must admit I’m sick. To receive God’s healing I must admit He can heal.

God, if you are, please listen now. I do admit there is something wrong with me that I alone cannot cure. I don’t like earthly doctors poking around and I’m even less enthused with the thought of you peering and prying.

But if your heavenly medicine chest has a remedy, please let me have some.

Is that sacrilegious? Perhaps, but since you already know the inner workings of my mind. I deserve no reward for honesty.


One of these days I’m going to lose weight, read the Bible and forgive my enemies. One of these days.



A quote from tto be postedThursdays, Dec 16 blog entitled GOD’S FRUIT STAND

“A woman was wandering through a marketplace when she came upon a sign that stopped her in her tracks. It read God’s Fruit Stand. Without hesitation she rushed over and began to exclaim, “I would like a perfect banana, a perfect cantaloupe, a perfect strawberry and a perfect peach.” It was then she recognized who was behind the counter, God. And looking at her with a heavenly smile, He simply replied, “I’m sorry but I only sell seeds.”
That is the hope given to us on the first Christmas, when…”

A new addition to this Serialization next Tuesday.

The book RUST ON MY SOUL is available on

To view an abundance of unusual stories and comments by Neil Wyrick go to his other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL

Sunday, December 12, 2010


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If you sometimes find yourself feeling far away from God, guess who moved.

One day, a very discouraged teacher, sat down and wrote the following:


I have taught high school for ten years. During that time I have given assignments to, among others, a murderer, an evangelist, a pugilist and a thief.

The murderer was a quiet, small boy who sat on the front row and regarded me with pale blue eyes. The evangelist, easily the most popular boy in school, had the lead in the Junior Play. The pugilist would often lounge by the window and at intervals let loose a raucous laugh that startled even the geraniums. The thief was a gay-hearted Lothario with a song on his lips.

Now the murderer awaits death in the state penitentiary. The evangelist has lain a year in the village graveyard. The pugilist lost an eye in a brawl in Hong Kong, and the thief, by standing on tiptoe, can see the windows of my classroom from the county jail.

All of these pupils once looked at me gravely across their worn brown desks. I had the chance to teach them. I had every chance in the world.”

Nor should there be any doubt that she tried, and yes, sometimes failed. That terrible word – failure. Tried so hard but was unable to impart the wisdom of her knowledge, education and years to some students who too often would not listen.

It happens all the time, this wasting of the wisdom of the ages falling on deaf ears. The drawing of our own confusions.

We multiply our possessions while reducing our values.

Talk too much and pray too little.

Travel around the world and ignore our next door neighbor.
Conquer outer space but not the inner space of our soul.

Do bigger and bigger things, but not often enough better things.
Grow physically taller, yet shorter in character.

It isn’t that good advice is not available from the master teacher. While we face a problem shouting it is impossible He reminds, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”

And what does our Lord want us to do? He wants us to let the Bible speak to us. When we say, “It’s impossible,” read in Luke (18:27) where Jesus says, What is impossible with men is possible with God.

A case in point; one day a small factory had to shut down.

A piece of machinery had quit and wouldn’t start again, no matter what anyone did. Finally, they called in an expert. The mechanic stood in front of the machine for a moment, then walked over and gave it a light tap with his hammer. Immediately it started up and continued running as if nothing had ever been wrong.

However, when he submitted his bill for $100.00 the plant manager hit the roof and demanded an itemized bill. When submitted it read as follows: Tapping the machine - $1.00. Knowing where to tap the machine - $99.00.

And that’s how it is with your Lord and mine.

He is the resident expert on how to keep our souls running on all cylinders, and running well.

Which is why He wants us to hire Him to manage our lives on a regular basis.

And once we do, He then asks for the right to make some major changes in our lives. And that’s where the rub comes in.

Because we human beings don’t like change we complain that the price is too high and put forth our own agenda. We ask for trouble – and get it.

Which is why our progress report, called life, often comes up so lacking. It is, after all, a recording of our attitudes and actions, an on-going reflection of whether we have a reverence for God in life or create a Godless life.

It is all, really, very much like a game of cards. And whether we win or lose often depends not so much on the cards we are dealt, but how we play the game.

In Mexico City, in 1968, out of cold darkness that had descended, John Stephen Akhwari of Tanzania staggered into the Olympic Stadium, his leg bloody and bandaged. The winner of the Olympic marathon had been declared well over an hour earlier. But the lone runner pressed on. As he finally crossed the finish line, the now small crowd roared. When asked by a reporter why he hadn’t quit, he replied, “My country did not send me to Mexico City to start the race. They sent me to finish it.”

And that is what our God has sent us to do.

In the race of life to sometimes stumble, even fall, but never allow ourselves to be confused when making the proper choices for living.

Charles Darwin in his book, Life and Letters, describes years of self inflicted pain. In his younger days he loved music, art and literature and took such great delight in their pursuit. He then writes of how his one-sided concentration on scientific calculations caused him to reach a point where he could not endure one line of poetry. Where even Shakespeare became nauseatingly dull.

It happens. The giving up of the foods for the soul. The dulling of response to things beautiful for beauty’s sake. The killing off of the child’s hungering for God, as becoming grownup such childish things are put aside.

Or to put it more plainly, a rewriting of Paul’s thoughts: When I was a child, I thought as a child, I sought God with a child’s delight. My prayers were simple, but sincere. God was real and I was glad. But when I became a man, I put away childish things. Childish beliefs. I became a man and was self sufficient unto myself. I had all the answers. And what answers I didn’t have, I made up.

It doesn’t have to be this way. The Bible tells us how to keep it from happening.

PRAYER – persistent, sincere. “Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find.”
WORSHP – letting go and letting God. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and soul, and strength, and mind.”

GOOD WORKS – decent deeds. “Show me thy works, and I will show you your faith.”
How does one stop drawing one’s own confusions? By stop believing everything the newspapers say and stop questioning what the Bible says.

From the cradle to the grave is a long journey. Its beginning is a miracle. Its end a mystery. It is also an education. It is also a challenge. Someone has said that, “Life is a grindstone. It either grinds a man down or polishes him up. It depends on the stuff he is made of.” And it should be added, seeks to be made of.

Part of a poem from the Sanskrit reads, “….today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”

Christianity is a lifestyle. It has in it the thrill of victory and the joy of over-coming defeats. It is a mindset that sets the thermostat of the soul to God control. It shouts with an overwhelming faith that God can improve life’s climate.

With a little imagination we can picture Galilee at the close of a day and see Jesus surrounded by the sick, the blind, the maimed and the weary. We can see and feel His heavenly wisdom. We can revel in His insights that guilt can weigh a thousand pounds without forgiveness. That grief can stain the brightest day with bitterness. That temptation sucks the goodness out of a man until he can sin without remorse.

Some might call it an oversimplification but “ viva la simplification.” What? The old French saint sitting quietly at the end of the day and in answer to a question “What are you doing?” replying, “I am just looking to the Lord and feel Him looking back at me.”

It’s called calling in the Master Mechanic who knows what makes us tick and can improve the ticking.

Dial heaven. Cry out with David, Oh Lord, Thou understandest my thoughts afar off.

And the scripture that reads, They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not be faint.

And today’s scripture, Restore to me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.

Let me close by telling you of a little girl, Samantha, whose parents were atheists and never told her about the Lord. One night they had a terrible fight. Finally her father pulled out a gun and shot the little girl’s mother, then killed himself. She saw it all.

Afterwards, Samantha was sent to a foster home. Her foster mother was a Christian and took her to church. On that first day in Sunday school it was explained to the teacher that the new little girl had never heard of Jesus and would she please have patience with Samantha. Later, as the teacher was telling a story she held up a picture of Jesus and asked, “Does anyone know who this is?”

The little girl raised her hand and said, “I do. That’s the man who was holding me the night my mommy and daddy died.”
A new Series on PRAYER began on Sunday November 21st

Each Tuesday there is a continuation of the Serialization of his Internationally distributed novel RUST ON MY SOUL.

And on Thursday a variety of subjects.

To view an abundance of unusual stories and comments by Neil Wyrick go to his other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL

Thursday, December 9, 2010

10 Easy Ways To Kill Your Church


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1. Never invite anyone to church. If this suggestion seems too severe, just procrastinate. Pursue promises to promote the cause of Christ, not with promptness, but with

Excuses for such inaction come easy, such as these: "I was attacked by a
fit of shyness." "I didn't want to be considered a fanatic." "My boss
doesn't like Christians, so what could I do?"

2. If some
new people come to church anyway, ignore them.
You can sit by them, but don't speak to them. Sing by them, but don't
offer to share your hymnbook.

When the church service is over,
immediately turn your back on them and begin to talk with another church member.

If you suffer an attack of conscience, you can usually overcome this by assuring
yourself that someone else will be visitor-friendly.

If a visitor appears to want to speak to the pastor as he or she leaves
the church, engage the pastor in an extended conversation. Most visitors
will soon grow weary and will leave by another door.

3. If you
are gregarious by nature and find it impossible not to greet a
visitor, be sure not to speak kindly about the church or anyone in it.

Tell the visitor about any troubles there are in the choir or among the

Mention that the women's or men's group is a clique (unless of
course you are a member of the group) and that you wouldn't go if they
paid you.

4. During the week drink like it is going out of style, curse like an
R-rated movie, and spread lies as if you invented gossip.

Nothing drives people away from the church and Christ like Christians who
don't act like Christians.

Work hard at making at least one person every
day comment, "If he (she) is a Christian, I'm not interested."

5. Avoid an active prayer life as if it were the plague.
Prayer evokes the presence of the Holy Spirit and can cause evangelistic

An occasional prayer in a time of need is acceptable, but anything
beyond this can cause things to get out of control.

6. Always refuse any opportunity for service to your church--or say "Yes"
even though you know you will never follow through.

These kinds of actions can keep the work of any church body at a high
level of inefficiency.

If they are practiced with persistence and consistency, a church may even have to close its doors.

Or if this does not bring about a complete collapse, it will cause at the least a lot of

And the best thing about this is that a few people are left trying to do everything, which produces jealousy as many begin to complain that "a few people are running the church." It is a wonderful two-edged sword.

7. Memorize certain classic clichés that serve as excuses, and repeat
them every time there is even the smallest opportunity:

"God doesn't expect you to be in church every time the door opens."

"You can't love everyone; God certainly understands that." "It's the
preacher's job to go out and get new members. That's what we pay him for." (There
are others, but these are good starters.)

8. Avoid being open-minded.

Narrow-mindedness has a very high success rate at driving people away
from the church. If someone does not agree with you 100 percent, strike him or
her off your list. Decide that certain men and women are morons or imbeciles.

Have no patience with anyone who is struggling toward faith and asks questions.
Believe that they are only trying to be difficult.

9. When the offering plate is passed, be sure you are one of those
responsible for a poorly paid preacher, a building in need of repair, a
lack of necessary supplies, etc.

It is amazing how this can set in motion a growing pessimism that will
spread throughout the entire congregation. All it took was your not
carrying your share of the load.

10. Definitely complain about the minister's faults and don’t mention any of his or her virtues.

This is extremely important, and an occasional complaint will not do. It
really isn't difficult.

All the pastor's sermons will not be to your
discriminating taste.

(If you find yourself feeling appreciative of his
or her efforts, a little lukewarmness can soon dampen any enthusiasm.) And
be patient.

Soon your preacher will say or do the wrong thing (preachers
are, after all, human). He or she will lose his/her temper with Mr. Jones or
fail to call on Mrs. Brown.

What is good about this is that it will
divide the congregation into "pros" and "cons."

These rules for helping a church and any evangelistic program it may have,
to self-destruct are gleanings from the ages. They have been tried and
found to work by countless thousands, perhaps even millions. The number
of folks who have been driven from the church and the throne of grace by
such actions are endless.

A new Series on PRAYER began on Sunday November 21st

Each Tuesday there is a continuation of the Serialization of his Internationally distributed novel

And on Thursday a variety of subjects.

To view an abundance of unusual stories and comments by Neil Wyrick go to his other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL


Tuesday, December 7, 2010


This is added to Sunday, Tuesday andThursday
If you would like to share this blog with a friend, go to the bottom and click on the TELL A FRIEND


This serialization is added to each Tuesday.
On Thursday a variety of other subjects are covered.
Currently each Sunday there is a series on Pain and Problems


RUST ON MY SOUL (A Novel) (Published by Bridge Press in 1985 & Distributed Internationally) (A new Series that began on Tues April 13th and will continue every Tuesday thereafter until finished) (Thursday & Sunday will continue to cover a variety of subjects as in the past)
INTRODUCTION (Repeated for those new to the series)

In an old loose leaf notebook, Thomas Kettering wrote when there was a cry from his heart. He wrote when his inner longing spilled over into the reality of his days. He did not write every day, only when he felt he must. How often he wrote or when is not important. The journey is what counts, for it is a diary about all of us, to all of us. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” and even a stumble is a step.


I tried to have a conversation with my body yesterday but found its hearing badly impaired. Today it’s speaking to me, stridently.

I’m aware of a shouting match between bone and sinew, a terrible confrontation that spells out stiffness and pain. I will not self destruct. I shall most certainly survive, but the years of my youth, no more than the turn of a few calendar pages, are now a decade and more behind.

Even a year ago my muscle memory, though failing, responded reasonably well. It stammered only slightly in its speaking. I was a shade of a second behind in reaction time. But yesterday, that one year later, at the annual office picnic and softball game, I would have done better to strike out.

Those ninety-degree angles at each base and my collision at home plate with the catcher after Tim’s bunt did more than rearrange my inner anatomy.
They made a collection agency of my nerve endings and today I’m paying the bill.

Why must we grow old? Why must we move toward our latter days a tattered remnant of our former selves?
There is a senility of the body that sets in before that of the mind.

The mental message to muscle is no less strong. Encoded it streaks in milliseconds as it always did. It’s just that there is a slowness in response. A rewriting of the command. And what once would have been a home run is now just a long fly out. What once would have been a close but safe play at first is no longer even close.

I was never a great athlete but I knew the joy of the wind in my face. Yesterday I spent all day long chasing my wind, but it never got closer than a gasp away.

Golfing with a golf card once every month or so has done little or nothing to help my sag and drag. My chest hurts, but then since I hurt all over I really can’t separate the pain.


I have chased a dream but what is the dream I have been chasing and is it worthy of the effort. It always comes down to this…now doesn’t it.

I think I’ll chase an answer harder and accompany the chase with a prayer and wonder why I wandered so far from this necessity of the soul.

Added to each Tuesday

A new Series on PRAYER began on Sunday November 21st

Each Tuesday there is a continuation of the Serialization of his Internationally distributed novel RUST ON MY SOUL.

And on Thursday a variety of subjects.

To view an abundance of unusual stories and comments by Neil Wyrick go to his other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL

Sunday, December 5, 2010

PRAYER, THE WHY OF IT ALL (3rd in Series)

This is added to Sunday, Tuesday andThursday

If you would like to share this blog with a friend, go to the bottom and click on the TELL A FRIEND

A man tried to weigh a prayer, but never did find out.

Never did come up with an exact figure, but it changed his attitude toward prayer.

This happened a long time ago, not long after the First World War had ended.

Late on an afternoon a woman, who looked too tired to be able to even put one foot in front of the other, entered a small grocery store and haltingly moved to the counter. Unmelted snow clung to her clothes and a certain sadness clung there too.

Max, the grocer, asked how he could help her. “May I have enough food to make a Christmas dinner for my children? My husband was killed in the war and I have no money…I have nothing to offer but a little prayer.”

The grocer scowled but grumpily replied, “Write it on a piece of paper” and turned to another customer. To his surprise she reached over the counter and handed him a piece of paper, “I did that during the night while I was watching over my sick baby.”

As he took the prayer from her he wondered, “What am I supposed to do now?”

An idea suddenly came to him. He placed the paper, without even reading it on an old fashioned scale and then picked up a loaf of bread nearby and said aloud, “We shall see how much this prayer is worth….how much it weighs.”

To his amazement the scale did not move. He kept on adding more food, anything he could lay his hands on, but nothing

By now a small crowd was gathering. He tried to be gruff but he was making a bad job of it. Looking at the now considerable pile of groceries he said ,”Well, that’s all the scale will hold. Here’s a bag. You’ll have to put it in yourself, I’m busy.” Red faced and totally frustrated he turned to wait on the next customer.

Later, when she and the other customers were gone he examined the scale more closely to find the solution. For many years, it had been a good pair of scales; served him well and always worked.

Why it had chosen this particular moment to break down he never could quite figure.
He never saw the woman again. And come to think of it, he had never seen her before either, yet for the rest of his life the incident changed who he was.

And, oh yes, what was the prayer written on that piece of paper? That piece of paper that he pulled out and read many times down through the years?

“Please, Lord, give us this day our daily bread.”

Fools don’t pray; on pieces of paper, or out loud, or to themselves. They affirm neither the reality of God nor the possibility of communication.

They ignore God, or take his name in vain without regret and are more embarrassed by prayer than helped by it.

They scoff at prayers answered. Their creed is the cynics creed.

How did the scripture read? “You know when I
sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.” Psalm 139:2

this new Series on PRAYER began Nov 21 st (and each Sundahy afterwards)

Each Tuesday there is a continuation of the Serialization of his Internationally distributed novel RUST ON MY SOUL.

To view an abundance of unusual stories by Neil Wyrick go to his other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL

Thursday, December 2, 2010


If you would like to share this blog with a friend, go to the bottom and click on the TELL A FRIEND
Give me wide walls to protect me from whatever weaknesses I find in the world of men.
Let the north wall be love, the south wall tolerance, the east wall faith, the west wall hope.
And when I walk through the door of the house called me…the house these walls protect, may that door have earned the title humility.

A new Series on PRAYER began on Nov 21

Each Tuesday there is a continuation of the Serialization of his Internationally distributed novel RUST ON MY SOUL.

To view an abundance of unusual stories by Neil Wyrick go to his other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

Click on the following URL